Easy to Implement Winter Warmer Methods

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Fall and winter can be two of the most beautiful seasons but those plummeting temperatures mean extra effort is required in order to keep warm indoors. There are plenty of effective ways to stay cozy during the chillier months and they shouldn’t put too much of a strain on your household energy bills.

Take a look around your home to see if you can prevent unnecessary heat loss and don’t forget to invest in some low cost heating products such as that essential electric blanket.

Block out those draughts

If you’re feeling a chill around your home it could mean that you need additional insulation for your doors and window frames. Thick curtains are one of the simplest ways to keep these draughty areas well-insulated but covering gaps by using insulation tape will work just as well. Consider adding a thermal lining to your curtains to provide extra protection. You can reduce heat loss in the home by as much as 20% by draught proofing your home in this manner.

Warm your home the natural way

Letting in the sunshine is the most inexpensive way to heat your rooms. Keep your blinds and curtains open during the daylight hours and close them as soon as it becomes dark. Don’t forget to shut doors in rooms that are not being used as this will help to further insulate your home. A fair amount of heat can be lost through an open chimney area and an inexpensive chimney balloon is an excellent way to block up that vent when not in use.

Snuggle up at night

There’s nothing better than getting into a pre-heated bed and electric blankets have long been a favorite during the colder months. Electric over or under blankets can be bought to fit your specific bed size and come with features such as a timer if you require heat for a set period. A major bonus when using this product is that you can forgo those costly bedroom heaters and this will help to save money on fuel bills. You can now also purchase heated throws to keep you warm and cozy during the evenings.

Insulate your loft

Your roof area can be one of the major contributing factors to heat loss in the home. Loft insulation is an inexpensive product that’s easy to lay and will keep your house warm in the winter but cool during the summer. Consider the latest aluminium bubble foil, which is versatile enough to insulate lofts, floorboards and wall cavities.

These easy to implement winter home warmers will ensure you stay toasty indoors and can bring significant savings on your fuel bills.

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3 thoughts on “Easy to Implement Winter Warmer Methods

  1. We use space heaters here quite a bit. We keep out thermostat pretty low, and space heaters saave us from having the furnace heating the entire house.

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