KidzVuz Holiday Event Was So Much Fun #KidzVuzHoliday

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Disclosure: I was invited to attend KidzVuz with my family, and received a gift bag in exchange.


We attended the KidzVuz Holiday party yesterday and it was so much fun. This was out 3rd KidzVuz event.

There wasn’t as many toy brands as in the past but that didn’t mean my kids didn’t take full advantage of everything else they were showcasing.


16 Handles Fro-yo. My kids loved them, and all the topping they were able to add.


HP Stream computers and Tablets. These Computers and tablets are perfect for little hands. It’s already on my daughters wish list.


Hot Chocolate with Keurig

We got to spin a Wheel with Stop and shop and win prizes. Plus lots of Coupons. (I love Stop and Shop, only place I shop for groceries)

We didn’t get to see all the brands, and of course my camera died before I could get all the pictures I wanted. But I can’t wait to hear more from the brands, and new products.

Have your kids signed up for KidzVuz and shared their opinions yet?

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One thought on “KidzVuz Holiday Event Was So Much Fun #KidzVuzHoliday

  1. I havent heard of this program before at all. It really looks llike your kids had a great time! Now that they are getting oldeer they can go and appreciate things like this, and I bbet that more enjoyable for you too!

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