Why I Will Not Be Shopping On Black Friday

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No it’s no because of Thanksgiving traditions or boycotting stores anything like that. Black Friday has become somewhat complicated for the millions who love to shop, as stores compete and the openings get pushed earlier. Old Navy is opening at 4PM on Thanksgiving. Kmart at 6am and stay open 48 hrs. Thats a bit crazy! It’s technically not even black friday anymore.

black friday photo: Best Black Friday Deals For Android BestBlackFridayDeals.png

The reason I will not be shopping on black Friday is simple, I am a mother. That may sound silly, and it has nothing to do with spending tim with family. We don’t host Thanksgiving and by 4pm we are usually in a turkey coma.

I will not be shopping because I enjoy being able to shop with no worries. When stores opened at Midnight, I could go out by myself knowing my husband and children were asleep in their beds, and I could sneak everything in the house before they were awake.

Now that stores are opening early on Thanksgiving I have to choose between shopping and our nightly routine which is helping my kids bath and get ready for bed, and then tucking them in.

No deal is worth me not being able to say goodnight and tuck those sweet faces in. I could go out after they fall asleep, but by then everything would be a mad house and not worth the time.

Do you think retailers will ever go back to opening on just Friday? Who knows maybe next year they will move it to Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

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One thought on “Why I Will Not Be Shopping On Black Friday

  1. Brandy I could go on a tangent about this whole thing. It is of course driven by hype of getting a ‘good’ bargain, but when people give up their Thanksgiving and time with family it gets silly. I am all for a good buy, but goodness it is getting worse every year.
    Christmas things are out at Halloween…. why not just have Black Friday then?

    As you can tell, I am not going to be standing out in sub zero temps waiting in a line for one of the 25 ‘whatevers’ they have in the store. I did it one year, thought about it and the only high point was having breakfast out when I was ‘done’

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