Capital One 360’s Black Friday Sale

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The holidays can be a really stressful time, specially for us. We are a young couple and my husband is persuing his PHD, so we are on a tight budget. I budget our bills every month and make sure every thing is paid on time and we don’t insure any late fees.

Staying on budget can be very tricky there are so many pleasures I would love to indulge in, but making sure we have enough to live is more important.
My budget consist of:

  • Getting all bills together and adding them into budget. *Paying your bills is the most important factor in your budget. If they are late or not payed in full, ou run the risk of late fees or added expenses.
  • Factoring your rent *depending on how often you get paid, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. You need to factor how much to put aside to pay your rent.

    After you have gotten the bills paid and out of the way. the rest of your budgeting should be easy.

  • Factor how much you/family eat on a monthly basis. For example I set aside $700 a month for my family of 5. Sometimes we may go a little over but then that money would come out of the misc. budget.
    You’ve got all your necessities covered now, comes the Misc. budgeting. This can contain money for gas, toiletries etc.
    Anything extra is spending money. You can take your family out for a fun day, or a nice dinner.

    The last year we have started a emergency fund, with Capital One 360. We want to make sure if there is ever a emergency we have it covered. Car problems, medical bills, or just prices being raised.

    Capital One 360 products are designed to save consumers time and money. From online to our mobile app, Capital One 360 is with customers 24/7.
    Capital One 360 Checking and 360 Savings are fee-free and earn interest.
    Capital One 360 offers remote deposit capture with Capital One 360’s CheckMate tool and make savings a snap with the Automatic Savings Plan.

    Capital One 360 wants to help you get ready for Black friday and the holidays. This holiday, to encourage consumers to stay on track with their finances, Capital One 360 is decking the halls with deals you can bank on, including new account bonuses, referral bonuses and closing cost credits. When your done shopping head on over to Capital One 360 and sign up for the their incredible deals on banking and mortgages. Some deals include:

    Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 1.28.46 PM

    Will you be adding Capital One 360 to your Black Friday list?

    I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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