Proactiv + Review #MC #Sponsored

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Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Influence-Central for Proacitv+. I received samples of Proactiv+ to facilitate my review and a thank you item for participating.

I have suffered from acne for the past 18 years. It has not been as bad as a adult, but I still suffer a great deal. Although there is no cure for acne, there are ways to prevent and control breakouts.

Proactiv + helps fight
breakouts and makes your skin look and feel healthier through a range of skincare ingredients.
There are three steps in the core system:

  • Skin Smoothing Exfoliator
  • Pore Targeting Treatment

  • Complexion Perfecting Hydrator

    I started using Proactiv + a month ago and I am already seeing improvements in my skin. I still get a pimple here and there, but it goes away pretty fast and my skin looks healthy and glowing.

    When I first started using Proactiv + my skin really burned and my face turned red. I had tried Proactiv a few years before and now that after a few days it will pass. It got better but my skin was still a bit irritated so I started using it only once a day instead of morning and night. I use the 3 step system every night and in the morning twice a week. My skin has been fine since.

    My favorite product is the smoothing exfoliator, it really gets all the dead skin and dirt off your face making it feel refreshed and vibrant. It really opens up your pores. I started noticing my face looking smoother and softer, most of my acne was fading away. I still get a small pimple from time to time. The system has been great to use, but is a bit time consuming.

    I’ve noticed that the past couple of days my face has been very dry and flaky, so I have been using the complexion perfecting hydrator throughout the day and it has been helping some.
    Here are my results:

    Photo on 3-24-14 at 2.25 PM

    Photo on 3-13-14 at 8.02 AM

    After 1 week:

    Photo on 10-29-14 at 8.48 PM #2

    Kind of dark, but a lot of redness in my face

    After 4 weeks:

    Photo on 10-25-14 at 8.58 AM

    Make Up

    Photo on 12-1-14 at 8.17 PM

    Makeup free:

    I still have a few blemishes and tons of scars from previous acne, but my skin seems to be healthier and just looks better than it has in a long time.

    Have You tried Proactiv +? Let me know your thoughts on the system. Haven’t tried it yet, you can read all about it here.

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