Trendy Shirts From 3rd Culture Style #HHG14

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received. A product was provided by the company. All opinions are 100% my own.

I love new trendy shirts, specially ones that are a perfect fit. I love showing my personality on my shirt. 3rd Culture Style has shirts that just fit my day to a T. They are so perfect and you can wear them anywhere.

3rd Culture Style is a international streetwear/lifestyle apparel imprint founded by world renowned musician and producer Taku Hirano

I received the “Try and Keep Up Shirt” and it fits my everyday scenario. I am a mom of 3 so I am always on my feet and on the go, it’s hard for everyone to try and keep up.

The shirts come in different styles from tank tops to woman’s fitted and universal. I prefer the woman’s fitted. They have tons of different sayings besides “Try and Keep Up” like “Coffee Yoga Wine” and “Shoes Shoes Shoes” and more.

Photo on 12-18-14 at 3.38 PM

The shirt fit nice and maybe was just a bit tight so order a size up. My kids all complimented me on the shirt and even goofed about trying to keep up with me for the day.

Photo on 12-18-14 at 3.39 PM

To order your street wear shirt visit 3rd Culture Style.

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