Finally A Bed He Likes

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I have been struggling to get my 7 year old to sleep in his own bed all night. He ha our own bed, a queen size bed all to himself.

He will get scared in the middle of the night and sneak into my room or his sisters room to sleep. I have tried different things to get him to sleep in his own room to no avail.

Finally we agreed on if I bought him bed sheets that he liked, he would start sleeping in his own bed. So I agreed. I never thought of it because we had so many bed sets already.

But he finally has his own set up. Finally a bed he likes.



Lets hope it works in the long run.

We found these complete bed set at Kmart for $35.99, and decided on it because it was mostly red and black. The colors of Lightning McQueen.

No compensation was received for this post.

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4 thoughts on “Finally A Bed He Likes

  1. I hope it works, maybe he feels like it’s his bed now. Its funny what ends up working and what doesn’t.

  2. Its funny what works with kids. Maybe the colors he had before he didnt feel comfortabe with, or maybe if they were being used elsewhere he didnt think they were his own. When he slept in his sisters room were they specific colors or in your room? Just make sure you have spares on hand or he will go back to other beds or wash on the same day and replace them.

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