Pictures From Long Island Blizzard #Blizzard2015

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The big blizzard “Juno” everyone was worried about, was not actually that bad. Although Long Island got it worse than NYC, most of the news focus was on NYC.

We are still buried in 20 inches of snow here and it doesn’t look like it will be melting any time soon. Stores are completely out of salt and melt. Plus we have another storm coming Friday and Monday bringing snow.

Here are some pics from the Long Island Blizzard of 2015.





I am still a AZ girl at heart and can’t stand when we get this much snow.

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3 thoughts on “Pictures From Long Island Blizzard #Blizzard2015

  1. We haven’t had any snow or ice yet this winter though last winter was really rough in our area. I’m totally a Southern Girl, while I think snow is pretty, I still would rather not have it.

  2. I live in South Carolina, so seeing snow is very unusual. We do get a little bit from time to time, but it melts so fast, we can’t enjoy it. I would like to see more of it, but it probably gets tiring real fast!

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