LifebankUSA Peace Of Mind Contest 2015

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Disclosure: I received a gift card for promoting the contest.


LifebankUSA, is the only cord blood bank processing material for FDA-approved clinical trials using stem cells from placental tissue. These stem cells are being used to treat patients with serious conditions, including diabetic foot ulcers. LifebankUSA preserves your baby’s placental tissue using the same steps taken for processing stem cells for our FDA-approved clinical trials. No other cord blood company can claim that. Tissue banking is simply one additional layer of protection and peace of mind for you and your family offered by LifebankUSA.

LifebankUSA is holding a contest on their Facebook page. 3 lucky winners will win a Uniden Lullaboo Video Baby monitors.

FB image post for contest_newlogo01-26-15

I learned about the importance of banking cord blood when I was pregnant. I had a very difficult pregnancy with all 3 of my kids, and at one point my doctor even said that 2 of my children would not make it or be born with birth defects. So we looked into banking just in case. Luckily the doctors were wrong, but I am glad that we took the chance and banked our daughters blood.

You can enter the LifebankUSA Peace of mind contest here.

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