Today is National Pizza day #PizzaDay #HormelFamily

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Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.


Today is national pizza day. The day to indulge and enjoy your favorite pizza. Everyone loves Pizza, wether you like it plain with cheese, no cheese, veggies or all the toppings. I have never met a person who doesn’t like pizza.

When it comes to pizza, I prefer to make my own. Ordering out is good, but can be expensive, so I always make my own.

I buy both pre made dough and dough mix. On pizza days, I make a pizza for the kids and then a total dairy free pizza for my husband.

The kids pizza is simple with just pepperoni. My kids love Hormel pepperoni and think the pizza tastes better when the pepperoni is fresh out of the package.



The dairy free pizza is made with gluten/dairy free dough. pizza sauce and depending on how we want to make it either just sauce with toppings or we will use dairy free mozzarella cheese. My husbands favorite toppings are of course pepperoni and sausage.



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3 thoughts on “Today is National Pizza day #PizzaDay #HormelFamily

  1. We are on a low carb/sugar diet and pizza has been one of the hardest things to give up. Our low carb/sugar version is grain flat tortilla as the crust, low sugar pizza sauce, and all the veggie and pepperoni we want.

  2. We love making pizza at home using Hormel pepperoni. It’s so good with extra cheese.
    I love Pizza! It’s my favorite food in the world!
    Happy Pizza Day!!

  3. I make homemade pizza every week. The kids just like cheese but I love toppings on mine, pepperoni (Hormel), olives, mushroom. We did pizza on Saturday night.

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