Bearitos New Wholesome Snack

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A Product was provided by the company.

I love being able to find sweet things that my son and husband can eat. It can be so hard though as they have a lactose allergy and most foods have dairy in them, specially sweet foods.


Bearitos new Cinnamon Sugar and Fair Trade Cocoa Pita chips are the perfect Wholesome snack. Made with non-GMO ingredients and available exclusively at Whole Foods, you’ll feel good about enjoying these treats with your special someone as you get all the sweet & crunch in one bite.

They are both Dairy Free which is a plus to us. My husband and son loved them. I introduce them to my family and then left for a appt. Came back and the bag was gone. I only got one out of the whole bag and didn’t even get to take a picture of the actual chips.

We only tried the Cinnamon Sugar Pita chips but they were very sweet and my son said they kind of tasted like a cereal he loves.

Bearitos Limited edition Cinnamon Sugar and Fair Trade Cocoa Pita chips are available only at Whole Foods.

Have you seen these in stores?

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One thought on “Bearitos New Wholesome Snack

  1. I just love pita chips especially with hummus, I haven’t seen this brand before because I don’t shop much at whole foods but I’ll look out for it next time I’m over there.

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