Urbini Dream Nursery Contest

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Disclosure: I participated in a Blog Blast Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Urbini. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

Urbini added a new line of furniture to it’s portfolio and they want to help new moms who need to convert a room into a first time nursery. Don’t need a new nursery? no problem you can enter to win $50 Walmart gift cards just for promoting the contest.


Winners will receive:
Grand prize: Full Urbini nursey plus a visit from designer Rachel Dacks.
Second prize: Urbini Crib
Third prize: Uribni Play Yard
Sweepstakes: Each day one participant will be chosen at random to win a $50 Walmart gift card.

To win you need to post a photo of the room you want to design to their Instagram page, and tag it with #UrbiniDreamNursery and #Contest. For more information or how to win the daily sweepstakes visit here.

Urbini Dream Nursery

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