Avocados Of Mexico Recipes and Tips For Cinco de Mayo

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Disclosure: A gift card and products were provided for this post. All opinions are my own.

Avocado and Chorizo Enchiladas

Cinco De Mayo is coming up and everyone and you can’t celebrate without having guacamole. I have found that it is the freshest and tastes best if it’s homemade.

Pic #198 Shrimp and Avocado Enchiladas in Creamy Red Sauce - PJ Recipe #2 Final high

Finding the right Avocado is so simple, Patti Jinich from Patti’s Mexican Table has some tips just for my readers:

Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that calls for celebration and entertaining! According to History.com, “Cinco de Mayo is widely interpreted as a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage” and revelers in the United States “mark the occasion with parades, parties, mariachi music, Mexican folk dancing and traditional foods.” If you’re among the millions celebrating this year, but need some inspiration for a crowd pleasing fiesta with true Mexican flare, you’re in luck!

During the week of Cinco, 33,892,841 Million Pounds of avocados are consumed. That’s enough to fill over 45 million standard Margarita glasses.

Avocados Of Mexico wants to see your favorite photos of how you #CelebrateCinco in 4 categories Mexican fare, Guac, Decor, and Spirits.

There are only 2 days left
Enter your best Guac photos today and any category tomorrow. Upload your photo with hashtag #CelebrateCinco on Twitter or Instagram. You can also upload on Facebook here. Winner gets a $500 cash prize.

How are you celebrating Cinco De Mayo? Will you be making Guac, using Avocados from Mexico?

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2 thoughts on “Avocados Of Mexico Recipes and Tips For Cinco de Mayo

  1. Looks delicious. I love avacados! My favorite way to eat them though is still scooping them out with a spoon with a bit of salt .

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