Haircut Craziness

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So I haven’t cut my hair in 3 years or so. I hate hair in my face and I ca’t stand it touching my shoulders. Yes I am weird! LOL! It has been in a bun for so long, the only time it was down was when I was sleeping.

This is the longest my hair has ever been in my life.

Photo on 7-24-15 at 9.41 AM

It had so much damage and breakage, but I never had the time or money to get it cut.

I finally told myself I had to do it for myself. I was getting heavy and I was literally in tears brushing it at times.

So Tada! It’s going to take a while to get us to it.

Photo on 8-10-15 at 5.42 PM

This from Supercuts and no expensive salons, they did great work.

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