Back to School With Shopkins

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received, products were provided for review.

I can’t believe it’s time to get ready for school. It seems like the kids just got out, but what better way to send them back to school with Shopkins.

Shopkins is the hottest toy and the market right now, and they just unveiled a fun need line for bad to school including backpacks, lunch boxes, pencils, pens, erasers and so much more.

Since my kids are older they were only interested in certain items like the pencils, and erasers. They are so cute and will have everyone having so much fun in the classroom.


How cute are these? My daughters have already packed them away in their backpack for school in a few weeks. They don’t even want to use the erasers as they are afraid to ruin the cute designs.

Will you be heading back to school with Shopkins?

You can find these products at retailers nationwide and Creative Kids.

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