How Much they have changed: Wordless Wednesday Linky

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It’s amazing at how much they have changed and grown.




I think I am missing a pic of my oldest from like kindergarten, but still can’t believe how much they have changed. It’s amazing.

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4 thoughts on “How Much they have changed: Wordless Wednesday Linky

  1. I remember I started following you years ago and it is amazing. Your kids have become so much more independent and they are growing up so fast.
    I think thats one of the best parts in knowing a blogger for awhile is really seeing the changes. You have even changed! Heck your whole life almost hs changed with a move and you look gorgeous.

    I know a blogger right now whom I started following when she was only 19.. she is in her mid 20s and had a baby last week.

  2. Beautiful children! They grow so fast don’t they? It’s nice to look back and see them and how much they have grown from year to year.

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