Tips To Stay On A Budget For A Designer Nursery

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When designing a nursery you want to strike a balance between being feminine and sweet without being cliché and prissy. Moreover, you want to be able to create a luxurious and beautiful environment without breaking the bank! Here are some amazing tips on when to splurge on nursery furniture and save!

Splurge: Permanent Items
For items like bookcases and dressers that you will be able to keep for years, it’s worth splurging on since you will get long term use out of the item. To ensure these items will be able to easily transition into your child’s adolescence, pick neutral colors and classic silhouettes and designs for your luxury baby furniture.

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Save: Temporary Items
Items like bassinets will only last you for the first couple months of your child’s life and while having a beautifully ornate bassinet is ideal, if you are looking to save, this is a great place to do so! This is a great tip in putting together a child’s room over all: if it will only last you six months or less, find an inexpensive option.

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Splurge: Accent Pieces
Having one or two truly stunning items will take your nursery from ‘eh’ to ‘ah!’ in an instant. You don’t need every single piece to be absolutely stunning, but having one or two pieces will do the trick. This tip also applies to ornate accent detail pieces, for example, plush pillows and mirrors.

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Save: Toys!
A nursery is not complete without an abundance of stuffed animals and other little toys to give the room a child’s ambiance. However, with some designer toys ranging from 60 to 500 you could end up spending hundreds if not more on toys. This is something you definitely do not need to do. Pick up some cheap toys and animals, maybe 10 to put around the room but no need to drop a ton of money, you never know, the child may reject the toy entirely!

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Head over to AFK Furniture today to create the perfect nursery for your baby!

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One thought on “Tips To Stay On A Budget For A Designer Nursery

  1. I have to laugh at this I am sorry… I honestly have never ever met anyone that has ever had a ‘nursery’ like this. I mean it is absolutely beautiful, but unrealistic. This is going to be a childs room eventually and it loos wonderful but unreal.
    Just my opinion, but not a ot of people would feel comfortable in there, thy would worry about any spit up, poop, and any mess a typical baby would do.

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