Biz Stain Fighter Helps Save Me Money

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I have never heard of Biz Stain fighter until they contacted me and wanted me to try there product. I even thought it was some kind of laundry detergent but it’s not. You can put it in with your regular laundry detergent, or just use it as a Stain remover on individual clothes.

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Biz was the first enzyme based pre-soak and color-safe bleach that Moms have trusted to remove stains from the family’s laundry, for more than 40 years. Different types of stains need different ingredients to clean them. Science shows that there is no one single ingredient that cleans everything well. So why doesn’t every brand put all of these ingredients in? Probably because it costs more to do that. But BIZ didn’t cut corners here… BIZ has more stainfighters than other brands. That’s why it works better.

I have 3 kids and the stains on their clothes seem to get worse with age. Food stains, grass stains, makeup stains. When their clothes stains they prefer not to wear that outfit anymore and it just becomes wasteful. So I try and do everything I can to get the stains out. I have been pre-soaking and adding Biz Stain Fighter to every load of my laundry. My clothes are looking amazing and bright.

To find a retailer that carries Biz Stain Fighter visit here. You can also find a $1.00 off coupon on the site.

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