Tropicana Trop50 Red Orange

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delivering the goodness of orange juice with 50 percent less sugar and calories, and no artificial sweeteners.  Found in the chilled aisle, new Trop50 Red Orange juice beverage blends nutritious orange juice with lush red oranges for a refreshingly smooth, delicious taste. 

**** This taste very similar to regular Tropicana orange juice, it just seems to have a more tart taste. We all loved it, my kids loved the color most of all, they called it blood orange juice.

Elizabeth Sommer wrote the book “Eat Your Way To Sexy” in the book she notes how important having OJ with your breakfast is. One of the most important meals of the day and the key to weight loss and feeling sexy is a good breakfast every morning.

To find a retailer near you that sells Tropicana Red Orange visit this link.


Retail:59oz bottle $4.99

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post, a coupon for product was provided by the company.

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One thought on “Tropicana Trop50 Red Orange

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