spend valentines day on the cheap

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Valentines day is tomorrow. I don’t know about ya’ll but i don’t have money to do anything.

so i thought of some ways to still have a great time and save.

Don’t go out to eat:  you going to waste time waiting to get a table, and then  wait even longer for food.

i suggest staying in and making a romantic meal. steak and potatoes or even chicken marsala. by candlelight.                                                                                  you want to make it really romanitic, feed the kids, and then wait to eat until they fall asleep.

Rent movies:                                                                                                                           snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie. pop your own popcorn.

you can get movies froma  local library for free. (yes they even carry rated R movies)

you can get free rentals from redbox, which you can find at walmart. go to deal seeking mom for more info.

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