neat solutions review

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ever been to a restaurant, and your child is to young for a plate. the thought of letting your child eat off the table just makes you wonder how many germs are there.                                                                                                                   neat solutions to the rescue, they have awesome table toppers that stick to the table, so your little one can’t push them off, and you don’t have to worry about child eating germy food.

i was able to try out the table toppers and i have to say that they were a life saver, my 12 month old loves throwing plates on the floor. so it’s not really i deal to give him a plate full of food,i need to place it on the table.  some restaurants are very cleanly, but on a busy night when they are rushing to get tables open. i wouldn’t trust it.

neat solutions also offer other products to help you stay clear of germs. like floor topper, disposable bibs, potty topper, multi use pads, meal kits, and so much more.

for healthy children, neat solutions is your one stop shop!

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