It’s Time To Get Out And BBQ #HormelFamily

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Finally the weather is beautiful and it’s time to get out and about. I live in Long Island NY, and it has been raining for almost two weeks straight. Luckily the last couple days, the sun has come out and it has been really warm.

It’s the perfect time to get out and have a cook out/BBQ and have fun. This year Mothers Day was our first official cook out at the park.  It’s my favorite thing to do. The beaches here have eating and playing areas walking distance from the beach. So we can eat, play and then walk on the beach.

My husband did all the cooking for this trip, we decided to cook Hot dogs, steak and corn.

No Time Mommy
No Time Mommy

The food came out so good. The only thing  hate about cooking at a park is it’s not your own grill, you don’t know what has been on it or in it. The food did come out okay though.  We all had a blast.

No Time Mommy
No Time Mommy


Another form of BBQ we love is actual southern BBQ. I had never had it until we moved to the south, but it has become one of my favorites.

So for family night I decided to make Chicken BBQ and  try out Hormel’s BBQ beef. My chicken came out a little plain, It just lists it’s flavor in the crock pot. Luckily we had Hormel’s BBQ beef on hand to eat and everyone loved it.

No Time Mommy
No Time Mommy

May is National BBQ month, what will you be barbecuing?  I wanted to make a original recipe, but I am not the best at original. My husband does most of the grilling.

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own. 

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