Hacking Into The System like Chuck

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In this season of chuck there was an episode called “Chuck VS. The Hack Off”, the episode was featured around computer skills.   Chuck aka The Piranha must bypass the security systems allowing the team to infiltrate and grab the computer super virus, the Omen virus.

I am not very skilled with computers, but there have been a few times where I had to figure out how to get something done on my own. I can remember that my computer had a virus and my husband was out-of-town, so it was all up to me to fix it. The computer kept pulling up different codes and I tried several combinations until i got through.

To say the least, I cracked a few codes and restarted the whole system to get it up and running, I was so proud of myself.

Have you ever had to put your computer skills to use?

You can pick up Chuck Season 5 on dvd now through this link.  You can use c5wbwrd  to save 20% on your order and get free shipping.

Disclosure:  I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for ‘Chuck.’


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