Pretty Little Lies Promotion

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The Pretty Little Lies online promotion is coming to an end soon, and the new season will be starting June 5. So Hurry on over and get those last few days of questions in to try to win. You will get ultimate bragging rights and a Heather Belle purse/handbag for winning.

I had read the books beforehand, so I knew who A was going to be. I can’t wait for the new season!! If you read the books and knew before hand who A was, then play the game and prove you’re the number one fan.

The question for this week is to find all the hidden words in this video clip. I saw them immediately. Did you? Watch the video and then head on over to Find The Pretty Little Lies to play.

You can but Pretty Little Liars Season 2 on dvd here. Don’t forget to tune into the new season of PPL June 5.

“I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for Pretty Little Liars.”

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