Fashion Icons on Pretty Little Liars

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The Pretty Little Liars are getting really good this season. One thing I really love about the show, is how fashionable all the characters are. They are always dressed to impress even when they are getting dirty or being chased on the show.

Season 2 had so many dress up moments like Halloween and the ball, here are some of my favorite fashion moments.

Here the Liars are at the Masquerade ball, I just absolutely love Hanna’s and Emily’s dress.

Here the Liars are just sitting around probably trying to figure out who A is. Even not going out they still look so fashionable. In this pic, I love Spencer’s dress and Aria’s dress.

In this pic I really like Spencer’s over coat, Definitely something to wear on outings, and great with dresses.

You can pick up your copy of The Pretty Little Liars on dvd now here.

Don’t forget to watch season 3 every Tuesday 8/7c on ABC Family.

Disclosure: “I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for Pretty Little Liars.”

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