Reading Rainbow Has A App.

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Reading Rainbow has a new app. available for the iPad. It is geared for children ages 3-9 an gets them reading for the summer.


I loved Reading Rainbow when I was a kid , it was one of my favor shows. Levar Burton always had my brothers and I reading and following along.  Now that the show is gone,  want my children to have that same great experience. Luckily Reading Rainbow just came out with a new app.The app features a library of books to fit your child’s interests, video field trips to meet people and places.   The best part is it’s all hosted by LeVar Burton.

You can select a single book and view introductory videos for free, but for unlimited access it will cost $9.99 a month or $29.99 for a six month subscription.

My daughter loved reading along with the books she chose, The Rainbow Mystery.  It was an exciting and creative book.   Her favorite is the stickers you earn and can place in the story.


Disclosure: no compensation was received for this post, I was entered into a contest with Team Mom for posting.

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