Lego’s Wild Forest At The Bronx Zoo with GiveawayClosed

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The Bronx Zoo is introducing Lego safari from July 7 to September 3.   There safari will feature a variety of animals, all made out of Lego’s from Gorilla’s to frog’s. There will even be stations for you and your children to make their own creations.

The Animals Featured:

  • Tiger
  • Kihansi Spray Toads
  • Chilean Flamingos
  • Mother and child Gorilla
  • Grizzly Bear mural
  • Penguins
  • Coral Reef and School of fish
  • Baby Giraffe
  • four Red Ruffed Lemurs
  • two White Rhinoceros
  • Zebra
  • three Hornbills

There will also be  a family challenge and master builder events.

Dates and times: July 21, 2012 and Aug. 11, 2012 from 11AM-4PM

Location:World of Reptiles Lawn

WAnt to visit, you can save 10% on tickets by visiting here.

I am definitely going to see this, we are always fascinated by Lego sculptures.

To get you all geared up for this exhibit, 2 winners will receive a choice of

  • Lego play set
  • Bronx Zoo Picture Frame and Gund Gundimal stuffed toy
  • Nightshirt and socks (zebra or lion S/M ONLY)
To enter: Guess how many Bricks were used to make the Tiger and how many hours it took?
1 winner will be chosen from each of the right guesses.
Extra entries:
  • Subscribe to my feed-8 entries
  • grab my button-7 entries
  • blog about this giveaway-6 entries
  • Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-5 entries
  • Follow me on twitter-4 entries
  • Like Bronx Zoo on Facebook-4 entries
  • like my page on Facebook-3 entries
  • Tweet this giveaway-2 entries (can be done daily)
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Contest ends 8/8/12
Disclosure:   Our Blog is participating in a sponsored ambassador program from the Bronx Zoo/NY Aquarium. As part of this program, I have received paid advertising compensation, a premium family membership, and merchandise for placement of digital advertisements and specific postings related to the program.


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85 thoughts on “Lego’s Wild Forest At The Bronx Zoo with GiveawayClosed

  1. Wow-that is amazing! I have no idea how many bricks it took-50,000? 2 weeks to make? I’m probably way off!

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