When Talking about Periods is Embarassing

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My daughter should be starting her period in just a few years, but I have already started preparing her for the talk.   She has seen enough tampons and such in the house to start asking.

I had learned most of what I needed to know in 4th grade science class, we were learning about anatomy.   I have learned a few things though from my experience as an aunt and even from my mom.

First ask her what she knows about periods. Kids are smarter than you think and they may have read about it, learned from  friend or at school.   If they know about a few things go from there, if not then start with the basics.

  • every girl/woman bleeds, that is how you become a woman.
  • Explain products and how they are used.
Trust me, that is really important, it took me a long time to figure out how to use a tampon.   Explain which product you would think would be best for your child. I would go with U By Kotex Teen with wings. They are comfortable and hold in place no matter how much they move around.
I don’t remember really talking to my mom too much about it. So as a mother now, I want my daughter to know everything, and be very well prepared.   When I first started I was in class and of course everyone knew about it. I was embarrassed and had to go to the nurse and have her explain a few things.
I think it’s important when kids get closer to the age to have a Kotex pad in their backpack just in case, there is no reason for a child to be embarrassed over a period.
The main thing to remember when starting the talk is to be honest, and  calm. Take her somewhere where no one can over hear, or any little brothers will embarrass her.
To find out more about U By Kotex Tween visit here.



“I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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