Children’s Hospital is funny to watch at ties as most of the doctors act like kids themselves. It’s either they are just kids at heart or they do it to make the kids laugh, either way it works and makes the patients feel better.
For me, I have alway been a kid at heart. I act like an adult most of the time, but when I am playing with my kids or just trying to make someone laugh I am always a silly kid. One really embarrassing moment where I acted like a kid was when my kids were throwing a fit at the store. I was trying to copy them to show ow ridiculous they were being. People were staring at me, and laughing, it was so embarrassing.
Childrens Hospital: The Complete Third Season on… by thewbdotcom
Children’s Hospital the complete 3rd season is now available on dvd, to pick up your copy visit here.
“I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for children’s Hospital.”