live naturally go naked

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haha what a funny title. this post actually has nothing to do with being naked.


parent bloggers network and sc johnson have teamed up to promote natures source cleaner.

we have begun to live more naturally in many ways. my husband is a scientist and very much believes in global warming and that we are running out of energy resources. so we have begun trying to go green.

we are starting to recycle our old clothing and make them into new clothes or rags. We also donate to shelters or good will. we don’t want them to end up in a landfill taking up space and causing clutter. plus if they are perfectly good why are they in the garbage.

we have introduced mr sunshine into our house. we use very little lighting during the day try to open the blinds, instead of wasting energy. we also have been letting fresh air in the house. we have made a vow to not use air conditioning this summer. using fans and the swimming pool as a alternative.

we have also begun to use greener products such as soaps that are phosphate free, and concentrated. we try to use smaller bottles to avoid wasting plastics.   or just use good ol mr. water to clean things.

living naturally has been very efficient, cost effective and most important is helping our planet. i will continue to do the samethings as long as i can.


this post was written for parent bloggers network in conjunction with a contest sponsored by sc johnson

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