Last Weekend for Boo At The Zoo and Ascarium

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This weekend is the last weekend for The Bronx Boo at The Zoo and Ascarium.

events at Ascarium

Haunted Seafari
Pirate School
Musical Performance
The Sea Gypsies
Spooky Pirate Storytelling
Pirate Tales
Pirate Games Of Skill
Discover Creatures Of The Deep
Pirate Crafts
4-D Theater: Curse of Skull Rock
Treat Stations

Event at Boo at the Zoo

The Haunted Habitat Mansion
Creepy Hallows Hayride
Costume Parade
Pumpkin Carving Demonstrations
and more

Disclosure: Our Blog is participating in a sponsored ambassador program from the Bronx Zoo/NY Aquarium. As part of this program, I have received paid advertising compensation, a premium family membership, and merchandise for placement of digital advertisements and specific postings related to the program

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