Making Pizza with Hormel

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1 day a week we have pizza night, it’s my favorite night of the week. My husband and children all make a pizza. They specially make it since my husband is lactose intolerant, so they make it with soy cheese.

We usually always just put Hormel pepperoni on the pizza, that usually all my kids would eat. This week though we decided to also add Hormel’s new pizza toppings. So we had pepperoni, beef and sausage. My kids loved it.

The new toppings are great. Just put them on top of the pizza and bake.

You can find Hormel Pizza toppings at any grocery store.

You can also get a coupon here.

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.

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One thought on “Making Pizza with Hormel

  1. I like to make my own pizza so this post caught my eye!
    I’ve used their pepperoni, I had no idea they had other pizza toppings – probably b/c I’m so accustomed to tuning out things except for what I’m looking for. MANY times I don’t feel like cleaning up a bunch of pans to make the sausage, etc., so I’m definitely checking this out.

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