What I am Really Thankful For

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Every year I say I am thankful for my life, which I am. I was in a horrific car accident as a child and was a miracle to survive.

Another thing I always say I am thankful for is having my children. After my accident I was told it would be impossible to get pregnant, because of a permanent tube I have in my body. I broke those barriers having 3 kids.

This year though I am absolutely thankful for what I have. Do I have a lot of money? No way, but I have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in and food in my fridge.
When Hurricane Sandy hit I was so much devastation, so many people have lost so much. We were without power for 2 weeks, no heat, no stove nothing. It really put everything into perspective for me. We had to cuddle up with blankets at night, and cook on the grill or go out to eat.

I would complain so much about having to cook and clean, never getting a break so much. When we were without power for 2 weeks it is all I wanted to do, be able to cook and clean. I actually cried myself to sleep every night, because I felt like there was nothing I could do to make my kids more comfortable or happy.

I am so thankful for what I have.

Happy Thanksgiving

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One thought on “What I am Really Thankful For

  1. I am sorry to hear that you lost power for 2 weeks from Sandy.

    Things like this do put life into perspective.

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