The Thing About Holiday Meals #HormelFamily

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Every year for Thanksgiving we have always done Turkey, it seems to be a holiday tradition, and not to mention the one thing my kids will actually eat. You can’t have the turkey without all the great sides.

This year though we decided to be different and let the kids choose what they wanted for Thanksgiving dinner. Of course they picked something that would not really be considered a holiday meal. We went with it though! They chose Steak and veggie kabobs with ribs. Yes, I agree very far fetched, but we did that with the fixings.
My husband has a lactose intolerance, so we make everything leaving out a few ingredients. LIke Mashed Potatoes, we boil potatoes and then add Dairy Free butter and salt and pepper. That’s it! We also had corn and bread.

The food was a bit of a undertaking, the weather was nice so we were able to use the grill. We cooked the kabobs with chicken and sausage, and squash, potatoes, onions and Peloponnese peppers. The ribs were already pre made with Lloyd’s Beef BBQ ribs.

Of course we loved serving dinner with our new Thanksgiving pot holders and dish rags!

What did you do for Thanksgiving? Did you stick with Turkey and Ham? Do you have allergies to avoid when cooking?

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.

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