wubbzy goes hunting for pirate treasure

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Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Pirate Treasure


thanks to mom central for sending me a copy of the new Wow Wow Wubbzy Pirate Treasure.

this movie was so fun for me and my kids to watch. we absolutely love Wow Wow Wubbzy, and all the kookiness he brings.  we love all the animated songs that come on after the show.

this dvd has 5 episodes

Pirate Treasure-Wubbzy and his friends search for buried pirate treasure

Wubbzy In The Woods-oh no Wubbzy gets lost in the woods

Walden on the beach-Find out why Walden is scared of the beach

the grass is always plaider-take a trip to plaidsville, and relize change is good.

goo goo grief- find where the giant goo goo lives.

plus on this dvd there is two bonus episodes

everythings coming up wubbzy

and a never before seen episode

save the wuzzly

i have to say that seening a new episode was a really great relief, because i’ve seen every episode about a dozen times.

Other great things on the dvd

music video-we’re all different

bonus jukebox song-The Wubbzy wiggle

plus activity sheets and more

82 minutes long

plus you can visit www.wubbzy.com for fun and play all day.

also find out more at www.anchorentertainment.com

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