Eggo’s Great Waffle Off Contest

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Recently Eggo Waffles Recently launched The Great Eggo waffle Off, a challenge for waffle lovers to submit their most creative recipes for a chance to win $5,000.
Any kind of Waffle recipe will be accepted, whether it’s breakfast, lunch or diner recipes.

Eggo Waffles is also enlisting the help of 15 mom and food bloggers to help give you inspiration, they will be sharing their recipes on Facebook.

For more information or to enter your own recipe into teh contest Visit Eggo’s Facebook page.

A shared recipe to get you inspired

Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches:

Preparation Time: 15 Mins.
Total Time to Serve: 15 Mins ½ Servings: 3

6 Kellogg’s Eggo Minis Homestyle waffles
3 scoops (2 tbsp. each) Breyers French Vanilla Ice Cream
Mulit-colored sprinkles (optional)

1. Prepare Kellogg’s Eggo Minis Homestyle waffles according to package directions. Cool for 10 minutes.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.

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