a little more about me

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name. brandy walleshauser

age 23

married- me and my husband jack have been married for almost 4 years

children- i have 3 mckenzie is 3yrs. alexandra is 2 yrs. and william is 6 months.

hometown- i was born in california, but lived in arizona most of my childhood. i have also lived in colorado.

hobbies- i collect precious moments and occasionally nightmare before xmas stuff.

movies- i love anything by tim burton. my faves are nightmare before christmas and corpse bride

i don’t get out much except to go to the store. so i find blogging as like my world to the outside. i’m not a prisioner or anything, we have one car. so i don’t ahve a car to go anywhere and having to take three young kids out is tuff.  in the town we live in there are no sidewalks or crosswalks. so to go walking you have to have guts.   i love entering contests, but onlt enter ones i have use for. mainly because i just can’t really afford much. i hope to progress in the blogging world and become a better blogger and meet some nice people.

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One thought on “a little more about me

  1. Thanks Brandy for commenting on my post about my daughter. I feel for you with your 6 month baby… Janice’s boy Jackson has the same issue… he’s off the charts tall and alway looks 2 years older than he is.

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