Finding The Right iPhone Case For Summer

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Summer is upon us and it’s time to start thinking about ways to keep your iPhone safe. With all the summer activities families have going on phones can slip out and get damaged. At the beach you have to worry about having no pockets in your swimsuit, plus sand and water.Make sure you get a good phone case in case your phone does slip out of your pocket, it doesn’t get damaged.   My first phone I left sitting out and my daughter got a hold of it and buried it in the sand.. It was not working well after that.


Best Buy has tons of phone cases to choose from, from waterproof cases to glam cases. Every style and design you need is available.

Mophie adds style as well as protection for your phone. You’ll have the protection you need for your phone, and will be able to have the case that fits your style or outfit.

Mophie, is making sure your iPhone stays safe this summer with an exclusive offer of 10% off a number of their cases for a limited time.

Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

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