Monsters University Movie Review

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I was invited to a movie screening of Monsters University this past Tuesday. I love going to Disney screenings, we love their movies. The downside to screenngs are the lines and tons of people get turned away.

Monster University is a prequel to the movie Monsters INC. I was a little nervous going in because prequel are usually never good. They don’t tie in to the original movie and usually just coming out making no sense.


Disney Pixar’s Monsters University was actually good. My kids loved getting to see the monsters at a younger age and only dream about becoming a scarer. Mike and Sully actually start out as enemies who can’t stand each other in college. Mike is the guy who knows every book inside and out. Sully is Mr. Popular who is living up to the Sullivan name as a scarer. Although he does not feel he needs to study.

Mike is not scary enough to be a scarer and sully not smart enough so they are kicked out of college. They use the Scare Games to try and win their way back but Sully ends up cheating.

Forced to find a new way to become a scarer, they decide to start at the bottom and work their way up.

There are a lot of new characters in the movie, but you will still find some familiar faces too. That is what ties this prequel into the original movie. Some familiar faces are the abominable Snowman, Mr. waternoose, Roz, and Randall.

Take your kids to see this movie, my kids just couldn’t stop laughing.

Monster University Opens Today June 21, 2013

Disclosure: I was invited to a movie screening By Disney. All opinions are my own.

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2 thoughts on “Monsters University Movie Review

  1. I still haven’t seen this yet, but I’d love to take my grandson one of these days! I bet he’d love it!

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