Pinecone Research Is Still At It #Scam #pineconeresearch

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You may remember my post from a few weeks ago when I fell for a scam from Pinecone Research a company I had worked with for 4 years. A secret shopper survey that turned out to be a scam. Read all about it here.

Well they are at it again, I just received this email.

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I fell for this last time, since It was a easy way to get money and we are struggling. No more! Please do not fall for this it is 100% a scam. Pinecone Research denies they have anything to do with it, but it comes from the same email and looks legitimate.

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2 thoughts on “Pinecone Research Is Still At It #Scam #pineconeresearch

  1. Wow, thanks for getting the word out there and helping prevent others falling for this scam!

  2. I shared this for you.. matter of fact I saw an email from them too and since I never have dealt with them I ignored it. I am so sorry they did this to you.

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