Finding The Right Translation Service

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.

My husband is a scientist, earning his PHD in Structual Biology. I have learned that Science is a really challenging field, there are so many scientist all around the world. Papers are published daily, and though most of them are in english. There are a few that come in different languages or need to be translated.

Luckily for them there are students from all over the world. We have friends at Cold Spring Harbor lab from Israel, croatia, India and so many more. The ones that need to be translated can be difficult if you don’t know anyone from that country. Luckily there are international Translation services to help you.

I have also had pieces translated for me that my husband sent me from Iraq when he was in service overseas. Like money, newspapers and books written in arabic.

The Rosetta Translation Agency is a quality company that has been helping companies worldwide translate documents, for legal, financial and science companies. There are 150 languages that can be translated at affordable prices.

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve received a document and haven’t been able to read it because of the language barrier?

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One thought on “Finding The Right Translation Service

  1. No, I haven’t been in that situation before, but I’m glad to know that if I am, I know a reliable company to help me!

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