Pepperidge Farm introduces Goldfish Puffs, Perfect For Snacks

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Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received, a product was provided for my review.

School is back in session and that means that I have to have a lot of snacks on hand. The kids pack their lunches most days, have snack time at school and usually ask for a snack when they get home.

Their favorite snack is cheese crackers of course, they love Goldfish. We recently were able to try the new Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Puffs.

At first I thought they were going to be like the puffs for babies, just a bigger cracker. These looked like a chip kind of, or as my daughter say a Cheetos chip. They taste exactly like them too. A cheesy puff snack.

They have different flavors of the snacks:
Mega Cheese
Cheddar Bacon
Buffalo Wing



My favorite is the mega cheese, it is just the right amount of cheese and a perfect snack. My kids took a liking to the Cheddar Bacon and My daughter like the Buffalo Wings. These snacks do stick to your fingers so if you send them as a snack to school, make sure you pack some napkins.

What’s your favorite Goldfish snack?

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