Udi’s Has Brought The Fun Back For My Family #Allergy #SP #DairyFree

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Disclosure: No compensation was received, products were provided for review. All opinions are my own.

Having allergies in my family is not fun at all, there are certain things my son and husband can’t eat. They have a dairy intolerance and have to miss out on almost all desserts and breads.

When we first found out we had milk intolerance, it was so hard everything had to change. I had to change our diets and the way I cook, we have to miss out on a lot of our favorite foods.

We were introduced to Udi’s food last year and I am being honest when I saw that it has changed our lives. My family can enjoy things like muffins, bagels, bread, and even cinnamon rolls without having to worry about milk. They are all Dairy free.


when I opened the box, the muffins and cinnamon rolls were gone the same day. My kids and husband couldn’t get enough of them. The cinnamon rolls even come with a icing topping.

If you have a food allergy, whether it be dairy, nut, gluten etc. I suggest you try Udi’s.

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