Today Is My Birthday and Lesson

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Today is my birthday. Whoop-de-dooo!

I am 29 years old and while I know that is not old to some, it is to me.

Today i will just be spending time with my family, and having fun. Thats all that matters to me.

I could remember being a kid and always looking forward to those cards in the mail that had money, just so I could go shopping or whatever. Now that I am a mother, it’s all my kids look forward too. I always tell them though don’t count on someone sending you something, if they do it’s a lovely gesture.

I guess as you get older you learn what matters most.

So today I have a full day planned. Taking my kids to a library chess club, walking them in a homecoming parade, bringing home Subway. Yes thats what I want for my birthday dinner, it’s inexspensive and i’ve been craving it. Then last having a nice (subway) dinner and homemade cake.

Happy Birthday to me. LOL!

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