Travels With Gannon and Wyatt Reading Series @GannonAndWyatt #GannonWyatt

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Travels with Gannon and Wyatt is a middle-grade adventure series written by Patti Wheeler and Keith Hemstreet. It focuses on brothers who go on wild adventures, and find ways to overcome all the obstacles in their way.

The series includes:

  • Gannon and Wyatt Botswana (May 2013)
  • Gannon and Wyatt Great Bear Rainforest (October 2013)
  • Gannon and Wyatt Egypt  (January 2014)


My daughter is in the middle of reading this series and she is loving it. It is full of adventure and fun. We are done with Botswana and half way through Great Bear Rainforest. Botswana was really interesting and had a lot of information about different animals.


Botswana- the boys go on a vacation to Botswana and find out a poacher has wounded a lioness. They decided to go out into the wild and try and save the Lioness before the poachers can kill her cubs. During their journey they encounter tons of different animals and learn that these animals are not as dangerous as those trying to hunt it.
Great Bear Rainforest seems to be just as exciting as Botswana. Gannon and Wyatt set out to find a mythical creature called the Spirit Bear. Along their journey some of the people in their trip go missing, so they go off on their own to find out what is going on. They end up getting lost and find solitude in the First Nation people. They uncover a big scandal going on and have to try and save the people that are missing.
Egypt- Gannon and Wyatt win a prestigious award from the exploration society. After that they travel to Egypt to study with a world famous archeologist trying to find Cleopatra’s lost tomb. The boys are so excited to find all the secrets and treasures it holds, but so are tomb raiders. Gannon and Wyatt must brave all the obstacles to stay safe and preserve history.

These books are easy to read for middle aged children. My daughter is eight and is loving them. Each book is has less than 200 pages. My daughter loves that at the end of the books there are travel maps showing where Gannon and Wyatt have traveled.

Through the Month of November Gannon and Wyatt Facebook page will be giving away 3 Kindle Fires.

You can find out more about the books here.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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