Twitter Pizza Party with Free Birds and you can join in on the fun

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Disclosure: I will be receiving a copy of the movie as well as a party pack to host the party as a Fox Home Insider. No other compensation is received.  All opinions are my own.

This Saturday February 8th the Fox Home Insiders are having a Twitter Pizza Party, while we watch an discuss the movie Free Birds.

Free Birds is being released on dvd and Blu-ray today February 4, 2014. If you have the movie join in on the fun, while watching the movie.

My pizza party is going to be such  blast! Pizza and a movie we have never seen, what could go wrong there.  I will be sharing pics from my party as well as a few spoilers from the movie, and of course the priceless reactions of the kids during the party.

To get updates Follow



and hashtag #FreeBirdsPizzaParty

Party Info:

Saturday February 8, 2014



See you there!

Don’t forget you can win a copy of Free Birds on my blog right now here.

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