Carrington Farms Gives Healthy Options Plus Twitter Party #CarringtonAllGoodApril

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Disclosure: I am a Carrington Farms ambassador and received product for this post. All opinions are 100% my own.


I will be the first to admit, when it comes to healthy eating I have a hard time finding the right foods. I am a emotional eater, and it can be hard to find the best foods. I am starting out low though.

With carrington Farms, they have great options to help you replace some of those fattening foods. Coconut Oil to replace olive oil, and flax seeds to replace eggs.

So, as I said I am starting slow.
In the morning I made eggs and used the coconut oil instead of EVO.

Screen Shot 2014-04-28 at 6.19.44 PM

For dinner, I made meatloaf and replaced the eggs with Flax seeds and water.


Honestly, I could not tell a difference at all. It’s a healthier option for some of my favorite foods.

Carrington Farms

You can also join in the Twitter Party fun. Carrington Farms is hosting a Twitter party, about the best foods to feed your family.

The party will be….
April 29, 2014 at 8-PM ET
Follow #CarringtonAllGoodApril


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