My View my kids

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I am up every morning at 6:00 and even earlier sometimes changing diapers and pullups.  I run around getting breakfast and wiping noses, getting hubbys lunch ready and so much more.  When clean up time comes my kids are usually off the wall. Screaming fighting, hitting. Thats the life of having three toddlers.

i have realized my best view is when they are getting along relaxed and quiet, it’s very rare. It does come along though.








This is one of my favorites of the girls getting along walking on the beach together.(eat your heart out kodak)

When my son came along everyone got jealous and there has been twice as much fighting and not getting along. There are still those small periods where everyone gets along.








Getting along at daddy’s award ceremony, although during the ceremony they weren’t.








Youngest and oldest getting along.








This is my best view, my kids being able to sit together and get along. gives mommy a view from the quiet side   of life.

this post was written for the Parent Bloggers Network for acontest sponsored by windex

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