Help Induct Hess Toy Truck Into The Hall Of Fame #HESS

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Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.

Hess Toy Truck is celebrating 50 years today. To celebrate Hess is asking fans to help get Hess Toy Truck inducted into the National Toy hall of fame.

The National Toy Hall of Fame was established in 1988 and is housed at the Strong National Museum of Play, based in Rochester, NY. Since its inception, only 53 toys have ever been inducted into its prestigious halls, following a strict nomination and evaluation process that begins in the spring and ends with final selections in November.

For a Toy to be inducted they must:

  • Icon-status: The toy is widely recognized, respected, and remembered
  • Longevity: The toy is more than a passing fad and has enjoyed popularity over multiple generations
  • Discovery: The toy fosters learning, creativity, or discovery through play
  • Innovation: The toy profoundly changed play or toy design. A toy may be inducted on the basis of this criterion without necessarily having met all of the first three.

We absolutely Love Hess Toy Truck, my son wants a new one every year. A new toy truck is released every year and has real life sounds and lights. It brings smiles and hours and hours of fun for my kids.



Help nominate Hess Toy Truck by clicking on this link and filling out the form.

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One thought on “Help Induct Hess Toy Truck Into The Hall Of Fame #HESS

  1. Hess was the first gas station to offer a toy truck and has consistently made the best toy truck each year since 1964. I remember as a kid the anticipation of what the new truck was going to be and was never disappointed! Hess has always been very detailed oriented and safety conscious when designing a truck plus each year they always seem to come up with an over the top idea that gives any child hours and hours of fun. Here at Ray’s Hess Toy Trucks we have a saying that we use when introducing the newest toy truck such as the new 2014 Hess Sport Utility Vehicle just released and available May 22nd “this toy is a sure hit with the kids and the kid in all of us! To see all the Hess trucks from 1964 to present go to our site at

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