We Are Thinking Of You This Memorial Day

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Today is Memorial day and while most people are out having barbecues and hitting the beach, we are at home thinking of the good friends we lost in iraq.

Yes, my husband was in the army for 4 1/2 years, and served 2 tours in iraq.



Pictures of my husband in Iraq.

I sincerely thank my husband for his service and sacrifice, but today my family is thinking of those that were lost.

In july 2005, on the second tour to Iraq, my husband’s unit lost 4 really good guys including my husbands best friend.

SGT. MIlton Monzon JR., Staff SGT. Jason Montefering, Army SPC. Ernest Dallas JR.
PFC. Ramon Villatoro JR.

All 4 of these guys died July 24, 2005 in Iraq by a IED, they were all in the same vehicle.

Rest in peace, we are thinking of you this Memorial day.

We are thinking about all the veterans this Memorial day.

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2 thoughts on “We Are Thinking Of You This Memorial Day

  1. Its not really a happy day or a happy holiday. Most dont even think of what the holiday is about anymore :/
    I am old enough to remember when it was called Decoration Day. There wasnt the commercialized stuff there is now. No sales no nothing just paying respect to those that were lost.
    It isnt about the living, its about those that gave the ultimate sacrifice.

  2. I agree with Ellen, most have completely lost what the holiday is all about. Most just think of it as an extra day off to have a bbq. My dad served 30 years, over those years he experienced similar loses of great service men.

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